World Environment Day 2018

World Environment  Day 2018

Environment Day 2018

Brief Report


The Institution of Engineers (India), Faridabad Local Centre in association with DLF Industries Association, Faridabad celebrated World Environment Day on 5th June 2018 at Technology and Development Centre, Faridabad attended by 41 delegates which includes Industry, Academia, NGO, Social body and Global speakers. The Program started with lighting the lamp of knowledge and a video showing stop the use of Plastics was played which was appreciated by the audience.

Chairman,  Er.  Subhash CHANDER  , in his opening address stated that while plastics have many valuable uses , we have become over reliant on single use or disposable plastics. The plastic package that we use ends clogging our street and threatens marine wildlife. So, it is advised if we can’t reuse it just refuse it.

Chief Guest, Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Vice Chancellor, YMCA enlightened the audience by stating that every day should be celebrated as World Environment Day. It is the duty of each one of us, to ensure that the quest for material prosperity does not compromise our environment. A pledge was read by Chief Guest to eradicate plastic pollution by giving up one time used plastics.

To take the session forward and enlighten the audience with the theme, Guest of Honour, Er. J.P. Malhotra, President, DLF Industries Association   gave a practical example that from today he has banned the use of plastics by not providing the plastic bottles for drinking; rather he has arranged glasses of water. So, let’s pledge to make sensible use of plastic and relying on reusable products only as much as we can.

4 Technical Papers were presented by Academicians and Industry Entrepreneurs, NGO and Social Body.

Ms. Charu Smitha  Malhotra, CEO, TAP DC  deliberated by showing a news article and pictures about a dead Whale having 20 pounds of plastics in its stomach. She suggested that it’s a high time that we realize that uses of plastics are really hazardous and we should take a pledge to give up plastics today only. Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Associate Professor, YMCA deliberated by showing the statistics of usage of plastics in different sectors and informed that Packaging Industry and Building and Construction Industry contribute to the maximum usage of plastics. He suggested some of the methods to recycle and degrade plastic by using meal worms, nano tubes and converting plastics into petroleum products. Another eminent speaker, Ms. B K Sister Poonam, Brahmakumari deliberated that environment becomes clean by cleaning the mindset of the people. She explained that Mother earth can fulfill human’s need but not human’s   greed.  Er. I.S. Chauhan, Corporate member IE(I), Civil Engineering deliberated on why plastics should not be used at all. He explained at length the 10 very harmful effects of Plastics on human health and marine life.

Guest Speaker from Singapore, Ms. Kim Underhill stated that the the simple method to avoid the use of plastics is by increasing the price of plastics so that it becomes more painful to buy it and it will become unavailable after a time period.

Honorary Secretary, Er. Sandeep Handa shared his views that the immediate stoppage of less than 40 Micron that is very thin Plastic  bags and he advised the members present that lets carry our own bags for grocery and vegetables etc. A plastic not only effect human health but also dangerously affect other animal life and alters the environmental sustainability causing hazardous pollution.

The program concluded with vote of thanks by Er. K.K. Narula. The feedback of the program was very encouraging. The Session provided a new outlook by a thought provoking address by our Guest Speaker that “BE THE CHANGE BEFORE CHANGE CHANGES YOU”. The session was much appreciated by the audience.

Er. Sandeep Handa FIE

Honorary Secretary