Notice for 10th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING- 2019
Date: 15th October 2019
Ref: AGM-2019
Notice for 10th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING- 2019
Dear Member
Notice is hereby given that the 10th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of IE(I) Faridabad Local Centre shall be held as under:
Venue : CIDC Conference Room, Sector 20, Faridabad
Day & Date : Saturday, 19th October 2019
Time : 11:00 A.M.
1. To consider and approve the Minutes of the last AGM held on 27th October 2018.
2. To approve the Audited Report & Accounts of Faridabad Local Centre for the year ending 31st March 2019.
3. To appoint the Auditors for the year 2019-2020 and fix their remunerations.
4. Annual Activity Report of IEI FBD LC for the period 2018-19 by Honorary Secretary.
5. To report the result of Election of the Executive Committee of IE(I) FBD LC for the session 2019-21.
6. To install the elected Chairman of IE(I) FBD LC for the session 2019-21.
7. To install the elected Honorary Secretary of IE(I) FBD LC for the session 2019-21.
8. To install the elected Committee Members of IE(I) FBD LC for the session 2019-21.
9. Address by Chairman- IEI Faridabad Local Centre.
10. Any other item with the permission of Chair.
11. Vote of thanks by Honorary Secretary.
12 Kindly confirm your participation by 18th October 2019.
Er. Sandeep Handa, FIE