Minutes of FLCC meeting held on 3rd feb 2018 (Date Published 28 Feb 2018)



The Institution of Engineers (India)


Minutes of the Faridabad Local Centre Committee Meeting held on 3rd Feb 2018 at 1700 hrs at Centre office, YMCA University, Faridabad.

11 Members confirmed attending the meeting.

Following Members were present :-

  1. Er. Subhash CHANDER (Chairman)

  2. Er. Sandeep Handa (Honorary Secretary)

  3. Er. Sushil K Bajaj

  4. Er. K.R. Gupta

  5. Er. Pankaj Kumar

  6. Er. N.D. Arora

  7. Er. K.K. Gupta

  8. Er. Anil Kumar Sharma

  9. Er. A.K. Sehgal

  10. Er. I.S. Chauhan

  11. Er. K.K. Narula

  12. Er. J.P. Malhotra


Chairman Er. Subhash Chander welcomed all the members present and National Anthem was sung by all the members.

ITEM 1 To consider and approve the Minutes of the Last FLCC Meeting held on 30th December 2017

1.1 Minutes of the last meeting was approved by house unanimously.

ITEM 2 To share the activities of the last Quarter (October-Dec 2017)

2.1 Activities of various Committees were discussed.

The Highlights of the Finance Committee were as follows:-

  • 2nd Quarterly Report sent to IE(I) HQ on 7th Nov 2017.

  • Request sent to Haryana State Centre for inclusion of Faridabad Centre in GST.

  • Budget for the session 2017-18 and 2018-19 prepared.

  • Finance Sub Committee Meetings were held 3 times and Minutes were circulated and approved.

  • Office up keeping was done after getting approval from Finance Sub Committee.

  • A systematic procedure like Maintaining cash books, signing Vouchers, Tally entry etc have been systemized.

2.2 The Highlights of the Technical Committee were as follows:-

  • AGM reports sent to HQ 5th Nov 2017.

  • Energy Conservation Day on 14th Dec 2017 celebrated successfully.

  • Technical Activity Calendar for the current session has been prepared.

  • Technical Sub Committee Meeting was held 1 time and Minutes were circulated and approved.

  • Online Quiz Contest has already been started from 2nd Feb 2018 at our website.

2.3 The Highlights of the Education and Membership Committee were as follows:-

  • Total 48 Non Corporate Members enrolled in the last three months.

  • Total 12 Corporate Members enrolled in the last three months.

  • Education and membership Sub Committee Meeting was held one time and minutes were circulated and approved.

  • Winter 2017 Exams were conducted successfully and reports were sent to HQ on 30th Dec 2017.

2.4 The Highlights of the Land and Building Committee were as follows:-

  • In reference to the poor condition of the existing premises cracked lumps were cleaned up below the roof slabs to avoid any loose fall.

  • We have met twice with the Vice Chancellor of YMCA for allotment of alternate office space in YMCA.

  • Land and Building Subcommittee Meeting was held one time and Minutes were circulated and approved.

2.5 The Highlights of the Event Management Committee were as follows:-

  • AGM reports updated on the Website.

  • Notice for filling up vacant positions updated on website.

  • Technical Activity reports on Energy Conservation Day have been updated on website.

  • Website is being maintained regularly with latest news, photographs and upcoming Technical Activities.

  • Event Management Sub Committee Meeting was held one time.

ITEM 3 To discuss about low participation and contribution of members

3.1 It was informed to all the members that participation of members are low especially during Sub Committee Meetings except Finance Subcommittee Meetings although reminders for plan of action for various Sub Committee Meetings are being sent regularly through mail.

3.2 One of the members suggested to Chairman to send a mail from him to all the members that if a member without any genuine reason did not attend the meeting then he will not be included in the Committee.

3.3 It was decided that Sub Committee Meetings will be held once in a month.

ITEM 4 Various Sub Committee Presentations

4.1 Er. Sandeep Handa, Convener of the Finance Committee presented the Highlights mentioned above in the Item 3 in the form of presentations. He also mentioned about the expenditure done in the last Quarter.

4.2 Er. K.K. Gupta, Convener of the Land and Building Committee presented the Highlights mentioned above in the ITEM 3 in the form of ppt.

4.3 Er. Pankaj Kumar, Member of the Technical Committee described about the status of the Online Quiz and informed that total 11 members participated and the Website Visit increased to 110.

ITEM 5 To discuss about Dignitaries visit from HQ

5.1 It was informed to all the members present that in the Finance Subcommittee Meeting held on 20th Jan 2018 that Faridabad Local Centre will invite dignitaries from IE (I) HQ.

5.2 Er. A K Sehgal and Er. Sandeep Handa will be responsible for finalizing the venue for HQ team visit in the month of February. Dates have yet not been finalized.

ITEM 6 To review about the Council Meeting to be organized by FLC

6.1 ER. N D Arora shared details of his recent discussion with President, DG and Council Members.

6.2 The Council Meeting would be held at 5 star Hotel probably at Hotel Radisson.

6.3 A detailed Budget for Council Meeting would be prepared.

6.4 It was shared that 75 rooms would be needed maximum for 2 days and 2 nights.

6.5 It was suggested to discuss about Package for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, stage decorations etc and other logistics arrangements with the Hotel Authorities by Er. Subhash Chander and Er. N.D. Arora.

ITEM 7 Any other point with the permission of Chair

7.1 It was suggested to look out for land space for establishing our own office.

7.2 It was informed to all the members that we have send reminder about the deduction of Rs. 1442/- in Winter 2016 Examinations.

With no other points, Chairman adjourned the meeting.

Er. Sandeep Handa FIE

Honorary Secretary