23 01 2018: Notice for 3rd FLCC Meeting on 3rd Feb 2018

Dear Members,

Kindly note that the Committee Meeting of IEI Faridabad Local Centre is scheduled to be held, as given hereunder:

Venue : Hotel Magpie, Faridabad

Day & Date : Saturday, 3rd February 2018

Time : 1700 hrs-1800 hrs


  1. To consider and approve the Minutes of the last FLCC Meeting held on 30th Dec 2017.
  2. To share the activities of last Quarter (October- December 2017).
  3. To discuss about low participation and contribution of members.
  4. Various Subcommittees Presentations.
  5. To discuss about Dignitaries visit from HQ.
  6. To review about the Council Meeting to be organized by FLC.
  7. Any other point with the permission of the Chair.

You are requested to attend the above Meeting on time. A phone call / E-mail in confirmation shall be highly appreciated.


Er. Sandeep Handa, FIE

Honorary Secretary