Visit of IE(I) Fbd LC Staff Members at Awareness Programme for North Zone Employees at IE(I) Delhi State Centre
IE(I) Staff members Ms. Rashmi Nair and Mr. Sonu Kaushik went for Awareness Program for North Zone Employees at IE(I) Delhi State Centre on 13th April 2018 at 0900 hrs.. The following were the highlights of the program-
(a) Mr. H R P Yadav, Director, HQ Cell , Delhi; Mr. D K Srivastav,Executive( Technical), Delhi ; Mr. U K Mandal, Deputy Director (Finance) , HQ, Kolkata ; were the members present on the dias.
(b) About 14 Centres in North Zone participated in the event.
(c) The program begin with lighting the lamp of knowledge.
(d) Mr. H R P Yadav; gave a detailed presentation on IE(I). He also shared that if any centre requires this presentation they can request us to send it.
(e) There was a video conference meeting with Secretary and Director General Maj General Souresh Bhattacharya wherein he shared that we have to sent all reports of the centre timely and resources provided at the centre in the form of grants should be used wisely.
(f) Mr. D K Srivastav shared that to increase membership drive and to create awareness about IE(I) existence , different centres should take help of each other to participate in events as maximum strength will impact the viewers about its existence. Like Delhi State centre along with Ghaziabad Local Centre visited an event at College at Ghaziabad.
(g) Mr. U K Mandal, Deputy Director (Finance), HQ, Kolkata gave a detailed presentation on GST and how centre should use their GST No. and its advantages and disadvantages.
(h) He also informed that all Local Centres and State Centres should buy books from the recurring grant otherwise we will lose our grant.
(i) It was informed to all the centres that Audited A/C’s for the year ending 31st March 2018 should reach HQ by 30th June 2018 and Audited A/c’s of all Local Centres should reach State Centre by 10th June 2018 so that State Centre can prepare consolidated statement of A/c’s and can submit it to HQ by 30th June 2018.
(j) It was also informed that all Local Centres should submit monthly statement of A/c’s Cash and Bank Statements as well as GST Bill with GST Report in their respective State Centres before 10th of every month so that GST returns could be paid timely by the State Centres.
(k) An open session was there where Secretary and Director General personally answered all queries. Suggestions from different centres were also discussed.
(l) The outcome of the program was very effective and informative. Mr. H R P Yadav, Director requested other centres also to organise such interaction meetings among different centres in future also.
Rashmi Nair
Office-In- Charge