Notice for Faridabad Local Centre Committee Meeting 5th June 2019
Ref: IEI/FBD/18/2017/012
Date: 25th May 2019
Notice for Faridabad Local Centre Committee Meeting
Dear Members,
Kindly note that the Committee Meeting of IEI Faridabad Local Centre is scheduled to be held, as given hereunder:
Venue : To be finalised
Day & Date : Wednesday, 5th June 2019
Time : 1900 hrs-2000 hrs
- To consider and approve the Minutes of the last FLCC Meeting held on 13th April 2019.
- To inform the house about technical activity calendar for the session 2019-20.
- To inform the house about Summer 2019 Examinations.
- To inform the house about update on office space.
- To inform the house about update on ongoing litigation.
- To inform the house about upcoming Elections for the session 2019-2021.
- Any other point with the permission of the Chair.
Er. Sandeep Handa, FIE
Honorary Secretary