INVITATION FOR CALL FOR PAPER for 52nd Engineer’s Day 15th September 2019

INVITATION FOR CALL FOR PAPER for 52nd Engineer’s Day 15th September 2019

Dear Sir,

The Institution of Engineers (India) Faridabad Local centre is celebrating the IEI  52  Engineer’s Day Celebration on 15th September 2019.

The Topic for Paper would be

“Engineering For Change”

During our past celebrations, we had an excellent and fruitful cooperation and Participation especially from your Team.  In this event also we look forward for active participation and expect good nos. of papers on the above subject from interested participants. Length of the paper should not exceed four A4 pages.

 Shortlisted papers will be communicated to the respective participants and presented by the authors on the Engineers Day, on 15th September 2018 and also publish in our Souvenir.

Important Dates

Last date of receipt of Paper 1st September 2019
Confirmation of Acceptance of Paper 8th September 2019

The best original paper(s) will be awarded.

We look forward to your active participation.


Er. K.R. Gupta FIE

Convenor, Technical Committee