Minutes of the Faridabad Local Centre Committee Meeting held on 6th July 2019

The Institution of Engineers (India)



Minutes of the Faridabad Local Centre Committee Meeting held on 6th July 2019 at 1100 hrs at Haryana State Productivity Council, Faridabad.

14 Members confirmed attending the meeting.

Following Members were present:-

  1. Subhash CHANDER (Chairman)
  2. Sandeep Handa (Honorary Secretary)
  3. J.P. Singh
  4. Sushil K Bajaj
  5. N.D. Arora
  6. K.R. Gupta
  7. Manu Bindra
  8. K.K. Gupta
  9. D.K.Dewan
  10. Pradeep Kumar
  11. J.P. Malhotra
  12. A.K. Sehgal
  13. I.S. Chauhan
  14. Pankaj Kumar

The following members were not present in the meeting-

  1. Er. Pradeep Mallah
  2. Er. K.K. Narula


 Chairman, Er. Subhash CHANDER welcomed all the members present and National Anthem was sung by all the members.

During the last FLCC meeting on 5th June 2019,there was no agenda for Election of Chairman and Hon’ Secretary for session 2019-21. The elections were discussed and names were shortlisted/ elected. Since there was no specific agenda for these elections, it became essential to hold a fresh and urgent meeting on elections of Chairman and Honorary Secretary.

ITEM 1        To elect Chairman and Honorary Secretary for the session 2019-21.

 Chairman, Er. Subhash CHANDER shared the urgent requirement for the above.

  • There was discussion among the members for a consensus choice.
  • The present members suggested for a secret ballot voting as more than one candidature was there.
  • Members requested Er. J P Malhotra to conduct the Elections.
  • J P Malhotra in the Capacity of Election Officer asked for the interested candidate to be the Chairman for the session 2019-21.
  • Manu Bindra proposed the name of Er. Sandeep Handa and seconded by Er. A.K. Sehgal.
  • N.D. Arora proposed the name of Er. D.K. Dewan and seconded by Er. Sushil Bajaj.
  • The secret ballot voting took place. Er J P Malhotra counted the votes polled.
  • J P Malhotra then declared Er. Sandeep Handa as winner.
  • Everyone unanimously agreed to the result and Er. Sandeep Handa was declared Chairman Elect for 2019-2021 by Er. Subhash Chander Chairman.
  • Er J P Malhotra in the Capacity of Election Officer asked again for the interested candidate for the position of Hon’ Secretary session 2019-21.
  • Sandeep Handa proposed the name of Er. K.R. Gupta for Hon’ Secretary and Er. Sushil Bajaj seconded it.
  • Only one name was proposed for Hon’ Secretary, so Er. K.R. Gupta was elected as Hon’ Secretary elect for the session 2019-21.
  • Everyone unanimously agreed to the result and Er. K R Gupta was declared Hon’ Secretary Elect for 2019-2021 by Er. Subhash Chander Chairman.
  • Members thanked Er. J P Malhotra for smooth conduct of Elections.
  • Following two were declared elected by Chairman Er. Subhash Chander for the session 2019-2021:-

Chairman Elect                Er. Sandeep Handa

Hon’ Secretary Elect         Er. K R Gupta

With no other points Chairman adjourned the meeting.

Er. Sandeep Handa , FIE

Honorary Secretary